Forbes just published a great article about RemotiveLabs, the startup that I am advising in Sweden, is up to. A few highlights:

  • Goal is to speed up the automotive development process by staying in the virtual world longer and committing to hardware later
  • RemotiveLabs is a leader in virtualizing on-board systems and bring the entire communication architecture to the cloud
  • RemotiveCloud was just launched, an extension of RemotiveBroker, the core of the software development platform
  • RemotiveCloud provides the environment for a vehicle’s entire software and electronics systems to be created collaboratively
  • Volvo Cars began working with Remotive three years ago and will make use of RemotiveCloud

I’d say this helps the development process a great deal, especially in context of the software defined vehicle.

For further info, reach out to me or directly to the founders Per Sigurdson and Aleksandar Filipov.

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