Preview of plenary presentation at AVS20

Preview of plenary presentation at AVS20

Here’s a preview of my talk at the Automated Vehicles Symposium next week.

Abstract: Sensors are arguably one of the most important components in an automated driving system as they are the input to everything in the control system including artificial intelligence processes. While it is uncontested that cameras, radar, LiDAR, and others all have strengths in detecting objects, there is also great debate what the optimal solution and combination of sensors for an automated vehicle is. While this presentation does not aim to answer the question about the optimal solution, it will give an overview of the current debate, research activities, product solutions, and market trends. The audience will recognize several examples and hopefully also take note of thus far missed recent advances. In that sense, this talk aims to initiate further discussion regarding automated vehicle sensors at the conference and beyond.


Silicon Valley and Detroit Need One Another, Dr. Sven Beiker, Samsung Forum

Silicon Valley and Detroit Need One Another, Dr. Sven Beiker, Samsung Forum

Silicon Valley is often called “The New Detroit” and Detroit likes to brag that it has a long-standing history of startups with an entrepreneurial spirit that is still alive today. What’s more, basically all automotive corporations have now R&D locations in Silicon Valley and “in return” tech companies plan to manufacture their autonomous vehicles in Michigan. It seems there is a battle between Detroit and Silicon Valley as to who will win the race toward the future of the automobile. However, this race is much more about collaboration than it is about competition as no player can win just by itself. In this talk, Dr. Sven Beiker looks at the strengths that Detroit and Silicon Valley bring to the table when it comes to autonomous, connected, electric, and shared automobiles. He also discusses the necessary technology to create a world of sustainable, safe, and enjoyable mobility to suggest which ingredients from Detroit and Silicon Valley the automobile of the future will need.

The future of personal mobility – Sven Beiker at Seoul Motor Show Conference 2017

The future of personal mobility – Sven Beiker at Seoul Motor Show Conference 2017

The future of the automobile is autonomous, connected, electric, and shared – there doesn’t seem to be much debate about this. However, when and how those trends are going to shape up is subject to much discussion. This talk by Sven Beiker at the Seoul Motor Show in April 2017 takes a fresh look at those trends and what can be expected when.

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