SAE The Mobility Frontier – Is the EV industry moving too fast too soon?
Recently, I had a great discussion with Brian Kozumplik on the state of electric vehicles. Hosted by Monica Nogueira of SAE International, we delved into whether the industry has moved to zero-emission vehicles too fast given that charging problems are common place now and consumers seem to fear charge anxiety more than range anxiety, which was a common phenomenon in the early 2010s when the first EVs hit our roads.
Other questions we discussed were around use cases and if there is something like the “perfect” electric vehicle – whether that may be BEV, HEV, PHEV, FEV, or else.
SAE really seemed to like this line from me: “… mobility, in my view, includes the whole ecosystem – we are not done when the vehicle is ready, we are done when the whole ecosystem is ready. This will require a whole lot of infrastructure and that’s what we need to figure out. Otherwise, the great vehicle remains in the garage and there’s nowhere to go because the infrastructure is not ready…”
You can watch the recording through the link here on the right.